Thousands. Nine hundred ninety-nine, thousand nine hundred ninety- nine
15 million = 15,000,000 (6 zeros before decimal)
It is: 1,999,999
999,999 as a whole number.
2 million. 1,5*63,385 When rounding, look at the number before the place.
8 million before, about a million died, about a million emigrated.
about 16 million globally before and about 9-10 million after
.... 999,999.9
2,000,001 BC(2 million and 1 year BC) - 'Before' means further back in time.
15 million = 15,000,000 (6 zeros before decimal)
They had nine million people before the civil war started, meanwhile the North had twenty two million people
Plants with seeds first evolved 385 million years ago. That was more than 150 million years before dinosaurs evolved 231.4 million years ago.
buy everything you didnt have before
The Megalodan lived between 16 million to 35 million years before the ice age
Before death 2.4 million after the shooting approx. 12 million in 2008