It depends on how you define "bigger" Both numbers have the same absolute value, namely 125. If you consider positive numbers big and negative numbers as small, then certainly 125 is bigger.
.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.
No. 125 is bigger than 5 and both quantities have the same units.
Well, darling, 10 kg is the same as 100 hg, so 125 hg is definitely bigger. It's like asking if you want a scoop of ice cream or the whole darn tub! So, go ahead and enjoy that extra 25 hg - you deserve it.
Bigger than 90 (a right angle), less than 180 (a straight line).
.125 is bigger because the first number after the decimal is bigger.
125 can not go in to 49 because 125 is bigger than 49 how ever 49 goes in to 125 49 goes in to 125, 2 times
From everything I see the 125 is a 42" mower with a 20HP engine. The STX-38 mowers were 38" with either a 12.5 or a 13HP engine. So, yes the 125 is bigger than the STX-38.
0.2 mm is bigger
Does 125 REALLY seem bigger than 160.
It is 125 minutes, which equals 2 hours and 5 minutes
Buy a bigger machine.........
The model numbers refer to the size of the engine. The RS 50 has a 50 cc engine, the 125 a 125 cc engine. Bigger engines mean bigger bikes.
the L ,LWland LE has bigger tires than a E
That question is defective, and it has no answer.' 125 ' is not a binary number.A binary number never has a digit bigger than ' 1 ' in it.
ttr for the egine is twices bigger