006 (ignore the noughts)
1.00 one hundred times smaller
In integer arithmetic, leading '0s' can be deleted. Therefore 01 becomes 1 and 009 becomes 9 And as you can see 9 is bigger than 1. However in the case of decimal numbers 0.01 and 0.009, 0.01 is bigger than 0.009.
yes. If we multiply 5.6 with 10 and if we multiply 5.006 with 10 we get 50.06 and 56>50.06 and hence 5.6 is greater than 5.006
0.00006 or 6x10-5
0.06 is larger
006 (ignore the noughts)
0.01% of 006 = 006*0.01/100 = 0.0006
0.00006 or .006%
.006 is smaller.
Bigger was created on -20-02-01.
0.074 is 0.064 bigger than 0.01
.004 to .006 in. on the intake and .006 to.008 in. on the exhaust
1.00 one hundred times smaller
Intake: .004-.006 Exhaust: .006-.008