0.6 is bigger than 0.06
To convert any decimal to percent, simply multiply the decimal by 100. So, 0.061 × 100 = 6.1%
5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.5.8 is bigger.
The baby because "it is a little Bigger" -- (a little bigger).
4.06 is less than 4.6. In 4.6 the .6 means 6 tenths. In 4.06 the .06 means 6 hundredths. Tenths are bigger than hundredths.
0.6 is bigger than 0.06
Bigger than Us was created on -20-06-05.
061 as a percentage = 6.1%0.061= 0.061 * 100%= 6.1%
The 30-06 is physically larger. They preform similar, ballistically, though. 30-06 is the answer to your direct question.
Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others was created in 1986-06.
Do you mean the length of the cartridge or the diameter of the projectile?
The 30-06 ( say thirty ought six) fires a bullet that is 7.62 mm in diameter. The 7mm fires a bullet this is, well...... 7mm. 30-06 has a bigger bullet. The size of the GUN can- and does- vary. BTW- catridges such as the 7mm MAGNUM will have greater energy than a 30-06. So- what is your definition of bigger?
Both are .30 caliber.
I Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat was created on 2009-01-06.
They have identical diameters, so their calibre is the same. However, the .30-06 is a much more powerful cartridge.
061 Liberty the Happy Statue [Worldie] Black Love Berries, Red Love Berries, any Love Berries