34 x 78 = 2652
Easy, with a calculator! 34*47/78 = 20.487 approx.
78 + 34 is 112, which is an integer, not a fraction.
To get an average, add the numbers together and divide by how many numbers there are.... 33 + 34 + 78 + 56 = 201. 201 / 4 = 50.25
They are equal because 544 divided by 16 = 34. You have to divide. If the number is bigger multiply. If not, divide. So, it's equal
34 is 43.6% of 78.
34 x 78 = 2652
78 + 34 is 112, which is an integer, not a fraction.
78 multiplied by 34 is 2,652.
80 is 2 bigger than 78
Easy, with a calculator! 34*47/78 = 20.487 approx.
34 out of 78 as a fraction in simplest form is 17/39
78 + 34 is 112, which is an integer, not a fraction.
34 is greater, 3/4 is less.
34 pounds is bigger.