To compare the sizes of fractions, you can find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 12. When you convert 3/4 to have a denominator of 12, you get 9/12. When you convert 5/6 to have a denominator of 12, you get 10/12. Therefore, 5/6 (or 10/12) is bigger than 3/4 (or 9/12).
Well, let's think about it like painting a happy little picture. If we have three out of four equal parts, that's like having most of the whole picture already painted. But if we have five out of six equal parts, that's just a little bit more painted. So, five sixths is bigger than three fourths, but both are important parts of the whole picture.
five sixths because 3/4=9/12 and 5/6=10/12
3/4 ÷ 5/6 = 9/10
5/6 plus 3/4 = 19/12
Five sixths.
9/12 + 10/12 = 19/12 or 1 and 7/12
ten ninth (10/9)
No. Five sixths is not between one half and three fourths.
The least common denominator of three fourths and five sixths is twelve.
Five sixths is the bigger fraction.
Five twenty-fourths
five eighths
seven eighths
5/6 obviously!
Five-sixths of a liter is twenty-twenty--fourths of a liter.