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The final answer depends on what measure is wanted to the nearest hundredth!

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Q: What is circumference 12.2 cm of given circle your final answer to the nearest hundredth?
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The formula for finding the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. Let's find the radius of the circle. 100 pi/ pi= 100. Squarerooted, the radius is 10. The formula for finding the circumference of a circle is 2 times pi times the radius. So, plug in: 2 times pi times 10 equals 20 pi! Your final answer: 20 pi (or, if you use decimals, approximately 62.8)

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Do the calculation using all digits and round the final answer: 1.3 × 3.04 × 5.46 = (1.3 × 3.04) × 5.46 = 3.952 × 5.46 = 21.57792 Use the digit following the hundredths digit as the deciding digit; the hundredth digit is the second digit after the decimal point so the deciding digit is the third: the deciding digit is 7 which is greater than or equal to 5, so round up: 21.57792 → 21.58 to the nearest hundredth.