Definition (Sparse Graph) A sparse graph is a graph in which .
For example, consider a graph with n nodes. Suppose that the out-degree of each vertex in G is some fixed constant k. Graph G is a sparse graph because .
A graph that is not sparse is said to be dense:
Definition (Dense Graph) A dense graph is a graph in which .
For example, consider a graph with n nodes. Suppose that the out-degree of each vertex in G is some fraction fof n, . E.g., if n=16 and f=0.25, the out-degree of each node is 4. Graph G is a dense graph because .
The comparative form of sparse is sparser
A sparse matrix is matrix that allows special techniques to take advantage of large number of zero element. Application of sparse matrix is classification and relationship analysis in large data base system - SPARCOM
the five graph is line graph,bar graph,pictograph,pie graph and coin graph
bar graph,line graph and pie graph
The antonym for sparse is dense.
thinly populated, not dense or crowded eg the desert population is sparse
it means rare
yes it is sparsely populated!
Is the correct answer urban
It's a dense rainforest.
An adjacency matrix is more suitable for representing dense graphs with many edges, while an adjacency list is better for sparse graphs with fewer edges. Use an adjacency matrix when the graph is dense and you need to quickly check for the presence of an edge between any two vertices.
i need help
Depends on what region of Greece you are in. If you are in Athens, Thessaloniki, or some of the other more populated cities it becomes pretty dense. However rural Greece on the other hand is sparsely populated.
I lived there,....... very very dense, many people....hard to drive.....lots of poor people.