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there are two types of boilers water tube and fire tube. fire tube boilers are divided in to two categories vertical and horizontal. this according to the construction of fire tubes. it is said that vertical boilers are inefficient than horizontal boilers.

The vertical boiler is small capacity, and horizontal boiler is higher capacity, well, the horizontal boiler have many types according the drums, there are single drums boiler, and double drums boiler, while, the single drums boiler have fire tube boiler and water and fire tube boiler, double drums boiler is usually water tube boiler.

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Q: What is difference between vertical and horizantal boiler?
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Describe five different ways in which minerals are used?

Aluminum - (Bauxite) - The most abundant metal element in the Earth's crust. Bauxite ore is the main source of aluminum and is imported from Guinea, Australia, Jamaica, etc. Used in automotive and airplanes (36%), bottling and canning industries (25%); kitchen cookware and foil; building and electrical (14%); personal products, like deodorants. Antimony - A native element; antimony metal is extracted from stibnite and other minerals. Used as a lead hardener for storage batteries and cable sheaths; used as an alloy and in flame-retardant formulations. Arsenic - A by-product of mining. Cotton production; wood preservatives. Asbestos - Can be readily separated into thin, strong fibers that are flexible, heat resistant and chemically inert, asbestos minerals are used in fireproof fabrics, yarn, cloth and paper and paint filler. Friction products, asbestos cement pipes and sheets, coatings and compounds, packing and gaskets, roofing and flooring products, paints and caulking and chemical filters. Fibers are dangerous when breathed, so uses must protect against fibers becoming airborne. Basalt - Basalt is an extrusive igneous rock. Extrusive means that it solidified after flowing onto the surface of the earth. Basalt is used in many of the same ways as granite. It is suitable for railroad ballast, for asphalt and road aggregate in highway construction. Barium - (Barite) - Used as a heavy additive in oil well drilling mud, paints, rubber, plastic and paper; production of barium chemicals and glass manufacturing. Beryllium - Industrial and nuclear defense applications, used in light, very strong alloys for aircraft industry. Beryllium salts are used in X-ray tubes and as a deoxidizer in bronze metallurgy. The gemstones of beryl are emerald and aquamarine. Bismuth - Is a by-product of ore processing, used in chemicals, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Boron - Used primarily in the manufacture of different types of glass (Pyrex). Bromine - Used in leaded gasoline; fire extinguishers and retardants; well completion fluids and sanitary preparations. Cadmium - Plating and alloying; pigments, plastics and batteries. Cement - Building materials, stucco and mortar. Cesium - Electronic, medical and chemical applications. Chromium - Stainless and heat-resistant steel, full-alloy steel, super alloys and other alloys. Clays - Kaolin, paper, refractories, rubber, ball clay, dinnerware and pottery, floor and wall tile, sanitary wear, fire clay, firebricks, foundry sands, bentonite, drilling mud, iron ore pelletizing, fuller's earth, absorbent and filtering, insecticide dispersing, common clay, construction, cosmetics. Coal - Technically, coal is not really a mineral. It should be considered a black or brownish-black rock of organic origin. It is a "fossil-fuel", just like petroleum and natural gas. There are four principal types of coal. Listed in order of lowest to highest heating value, they are Lignite, Subbituminous, Bituminous and Anthracite. Coals are used for fuel, space heating and electricity generation. Cobalt - Used in superalloys for jet engine parts, cutting tools and electrical devices, permanent magnets, catalysts; pigments and dryers for paints and allied products. Columbium - (Niobium) - Used mostly as an additive in structural steels and in superalloys; used in metallurgy for heat resistant alloys, rust-proofing (stainless steel) and electromagnetic superconductors. Copper - (Chrysocolla) - Used in electric cables and wires and building construction, switches, plumbing, heating and electrical and electronic components, industrial machinery and equipment, transportation, consumer and general products, coins, and jewelry. Leading producers are Chile and the U.S. Corundum and Emery - Grinding and polishing abrasive. Diamond (Industrial) - (Kimberlite) - Machinery, mineral services, stone and ceramic products, abrasives, construction, drilling, transportation equipment. Diatomite - Is a siliceous product organically produced by diatoms. A diatom is a single-celled organism found in fresh and salt water that under ideal conditions could divide every 8 hours. The external skeletons of these creatures are made of silica. Primarily used for filtration, but new applications are continuously being found in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical applications and environmental cleanup technologies. Dolomite - (Lime) - Is the near-twin sister rock to limestone. Like limestone, it forms in a marine environment. Dolomite is used in agriculture, chemical and industrial applications; cement construction, refractories, and environmental industries. Feldspar - A rock forming mineral; industrially important in glass and ceramic industries; pottery, porcelain and enamelware; soaps; bond for abrasive wheels; cement and glues; insulating compositions; fertilizer; tarred roofing materials; and as a sizing, or filler, in textiles and paper applications. Fluorite - (Fluorspar) - Used in production of hydrofluoric acid, which is used in pottery, ceramics, optical, electroplating and plastics industries. In the metallurgical treatment of bauxite; as a flux in open-hearth steel furnaces and in metal smelting; in carbon electrodes; emery wheels; electric arc welders; toothpaste as a source of fluorine and in water fluoridation. Gallium - Used in the electronics industry. Garnet - Used in water filtration, finishing wood furniture, electronic components, ceramics, glass, jewelry and abrasives in transport manufacturing. Germanium - A by-product of refining base metal ores. Fiber optics and infrared lenses. Gold - Used in dentistry and medicine; in jewelry and arts; in medallions and coins; in ingots as a store of value; for scientific and electronic instruments; computer circuitry; as an electrolyte in the electroplating industry; in many applications for space travel. Granite - Granite is an intrusive igneous rock. Intrusive means that it solidified while still buried deep within the earth. Granite can be cut into large blocks and used as a building stone. When polished it is used for monuments, headstones, statues and facing on buildings. It is also suitable for railroad ballast, for asphalt and road aggregate in highway construction. Graphite - Dry lubricant; steel hardener; pencils. Gypsum - Processed and used as a prefabricated wallboard or an industrial or building plaster; used in cement manufacture; agriculture and other uses. Halite - (sodium chloride - salt) - Used in human and animal diet, food seasoning and food preservation. To prepare sodium hydroxide, soda ash, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, chlorine, metallic sodium; used in ceramic glazes; metallurgy, curing of hides; mineral waters; soap manufacture; home water softeners; highway deicing; photography; in scientific equipment for optical parts. Indium - By-product of zinc refining. Used in alloys and instruments. Iodine - A by-product of seaweed soda ash, Goiter treatment, antiseptic and photographic applications. Iron Ore - Used to manufacture steels of various types. Used in metallurgy products; magnets; high-frequency cores; auto parts; catalyst and many other applications. Most U.S. production is from Minnesota and Michigan. Kyanite - Used in smelting and processing ferrous (iron) metals, nonferrous metals, glass and ceramics. Lead - (Galena) - Transportation, batteries, gasoline additives, construction, ammunition, TV tubes, nuclear shielding, ceramics; ballast or weight; tubes or containers. U.S. is largest producer (mainly from Missouri), consumer and recycler of lead metal. Limestone - Limestone is a sedimentary rock and composed of calcium carbonate. Limestone, along with dolomite, is one of the basic building blocks of the construction industry. Limestone is used as aggregate, building stone, cement, lime, as fluxes, glass raw material, refractories, fillers, abrasives, soil conditioners, and ingredients in a host of chemical processes. Lithium - Compounds are used in ceramics and glass; in primary aluminum potlines and production; in the manufacture of lubricants and greases; rocket propellants; silver solder; batteries; and medicine. Manganese - Essential to iron and steel production. Magnesium - Used in cement, rubber, paper, insulation, chemicals and fertilizers, animal feed and pharmaceuticals. Mercury - (Cinnabar) - Electrical, electrolytic production of chlorine and caustic soda, paint, industrial and control instruments (thermometers and thermostats). Mica - Mica commonly occurs as flakes, scales or shreds. Sheet muscovite (white) mica is used in electronic insulators; ground mica in paints, as joint cement, as a dusting agent, in well-drilling mud and lubricants; and in plastics, roofing, rubber and welding rods. Molybdenum - Used in alloy steels (475 of all uses) to make automotive parts, construction equipment, gas transmission pipes; stainless steels (21%); tool steels (9%); cast irons (7%); and chemical lubricants (8%). As a pure metal, molybdenum is used because of its high melting temperatures (4,730 F) as filament supports in light bulbs, metalworking dies and furnace parts. Nickel - Vital as an alloy to stainless steel; plays a key roll in the chemical and aerospace industries. Leading producers are Canada, Norway and Russia. Oil Shale - Source of oil for fuel; used in plastics, , synthetic fabrics, lubricants, etc. Perlite - Expanded perlite is used in roof insulation boards; as fillers, filter aids and for horticulture. Phosphate rock - Used to produce phosphoric acid ammoniated phosphate fertilizers, feed additives for livestock, elemental phosphorus, and a variety of phosphate chemicals for industrial and home consumers. U.S. production is from Florida, North Carolina, Idaho and Utah. Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) - Includes platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium and ruthenium. Commonly occur together in nature and are among the scarcest of the metallic elements. Platinum is used principally in catalysts for the control of automobile and industrial plant emissions; in jewelry; and in catalysts to produce acids, organic chemicals and pharmaceuticals; an in dental alloys used for making crowns and bridges. Potash - Carbonate of potassium; used as a fertilizer, in medicine, in the chemical industry and to produce decorative color effects on brass, bronze and nickel. Pyrite - Used in the manufacture of sulfur, sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide; pellets of pressed pyrite dust are used to recover iron, gold, copper, cobalt, and nickel. Quartz - (silica) - As crystal, quartz is used as a semiprecious gemstone. Crystalline varieties include amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, etc. Because of its piezoelectric properties, quartz is used for pressure gauges, oscillators, resonators and wave stabilizers. Also used in manufacturing of glass, paints, abrasives, refractories and precision instruments. Quartzite - Quartzite is the metamorphic offspring of sandstone. Quartzite is typically very hard rock, which makes it useful for building stone material, and the construction industry. Rhenium - Used in producing lead-free gasoline. Rubidium - Used in electronics, chemicals and electrical power generators. Sandstone - Concrete for highways, bridges, dams, waterworks and airports; road bases and coverings, construction fill, asphaltic concrete, aggregates and other bituminous mixtures; railroad ballast, snow and ice control. Selenium - Used in photocopiers, glass, antidandruff shampoos, steels and animal feeds. Silica - Used in manufacture of computer chips, glass and refractory materials; ceramics; abrasives; water filtration; component of hydraulic cements; filler in cosmetics, pharmaceutical, paper, insecticides; anti-caking agent in foods; flatting agent in paint; thermal insulator. Silicon - Used in iron, steel, and aluminum; chemical and electronic industries. Silver - (Tetrahedrite) - Used in photography, chemistry; in electrical and electronic products because of its very high conductivity; sterling silverware, electroplated ware, jewelry and coins, brazing alloys and solders. Strontium - Used in color TV tubes; pyrotechnic materials; magnets. Sulfur - Widely used in manufacturing processes; drugs, fertilizers. Talc - (Soapstone) -The primary use for talc is in the production of paper. Ground talc is used as filler in ceramics, paint, paper, roofing, plastics, cosmetics, and in agriculture. You will find talc in many household products such as baby (talcum) powder, deodorant, and makeup. Very pure talc is used in fine arts, and is called soapstone. It is often used to carve figurines. Tantalum - Used in electronic components, transportation, chemical equipment and metal working machinery. Tellurium - Used as an alloy with steel and copper. Thallium - Used in electronics and as an alloy. Tin - Cans and containers, solder, electrical, chemicals. Titanium - A metal used mostly in jet engines, airframes and space and missile applications. In powdered form I is used as a white pigment for paints, paper, plastics, rubber and other materials. Trona - (sodium carbonate or soda ash) - Used in glass container manufacture; in fiberglass and specialty glass; also used in production of flat glass; in liquid detergents; in medicine; as a food additive; photography; cleaning and boiler compounds; pH control of water. Trona is mined mainly in Wyoming. Tungsten - Used in steel production and in metalworking; cutting applications; construction and electrical machinery and equipment; in transportation equipment; as filament in light bulbs; as a carbide in drilling equipment; in heat and radiation shielding; textile dyes, enamels, paints and for coloring glass. Uranium - Radioactive ores used in nuclear defense system and used for nuclear generation of electricity, nuclear medicine and x-rays, atomic dating and electronic instruments. Vanadium - Used in metal alloys (titanium alloys important for aerospace); as a catalyst for production of malefic anhydride and sulfuric acid; as target material for x-rays. Vermiculite - Insulation; soil conditioner and fertilizer carrier. Zeolites - Used in aquaculture (fish hatcheries for removing ammonia from the water); water softener; in catalysts; cat litter; odor control; and for removing radioactive ions from nuclear plant effluent. Zinc - (Sphalerite) - Used as protective coating on steel, as die casting, as an alloying metal with copper to make brass, and as chemical compounds in rubber and paint. Used as sheet zinc and for galvanizing iron; electroplating; metal spraying; automotive parts; electrical fuses; anodes; dry cell batteries; nutrition; chemicals; roof gutters; cable wrapping; organ pipes and pennies. Zinc oxide is used in medicine, paints, vulcanizing rubber and sunblock lotions. Zirconium - Used in foundry sands Source: Mineral Information Institute; U.S. Geological Survey

What rhymes with competitor?

Here are end rhymes: abler abner acre actor adder after aider alder altar alter amber ambler ampere anchor anger angler answer antler apter arbor archer ardor armor asher ashlar asker auger augur author aver azure babbler bachelor backer badger baffler bailer bailor baiter baker balder baler balker bander banker banner banter barber barer barker barter bather batter battler bawler beaker bearer beater beaver bedder beeper beggar bencher bender berber bestir better bettor bibber bicker bidder bigger biker bilker biller binder bircher biter bitter blabber blacker bladder blamer blander blanker blazer bleacher bleaker bleater bleeder blencher blender blighter blinder blinker blister blither bloater blocker blonder bloomer blooper blotter blower blubber blucher bluer bluffer blunder blunter blur bluster boarder boaster boater bobber boer boiler bolder bolster bomber bonder boner bonzer Booker boomer booster boozer bopper border borer botcher bother boulder bouncer bounder bower bowler boxer bracer bragger braider brander brasher braver brawler brazer brazier breaker breather breeder brewer briar briber bridler briefer brier brightener brighter bringer brisker broacher broader broider broiler broker bronzer brooder brother browner browser bruiser brusher brusker bubbler bucker buckler budder buffer bugger bugler builder bulbar bulgar bummer bumper bundler bungler bunker burger burgher burglar burner burr bursar buster bustler butcher butler butter buyer buzzer cackler cadger Caesar cager calker caller calmer camber camper camphor cancer candler candor caner canker canner canter cantor caper capper captor capture carder carer carter carver casher casper caster castor catcher cater caulker cauter cedar cellar censor censure centaur center chafer chaffer chamber chamfer chancellor chancer chandler changer chanter chapter charger charmer charter chaser chatter chaucer chauffeur cheaper cheater checker cheddar cheeper chewer chider chigger chiller chimer chipper chirper chiseler chitter choicer choker chooser chopper chortler chowder Chrysler chuckler chukker churner cider cinder cipher circler clabber clacker claimer clamor clapper clasher clasper clatter cleaner cleanser clearer cleaver clever clicker climber clincher clinger clinker clipper clobber clocker cloister closer closure cloture clouter clover clubber clunker cluster clutter coacher coarser coaster coaxer cobbler cocker coddler coder codger coffer coiffeur coiler coiner colder collar color comber comer concur condor confer conger conjure conker conquer cooker cooler cooper copper copter corder corer corker corner cotter coucher cougar counter coupler courser cover cower coyer crabber cracker crammer crasher crasser crater craver crawler creamer creaser creature creeper cribber crier crimper crippler crisper critter croaker crooner cropper crosser crowder cruder crueler crueller cruiser crupper crusher cuber culture cumber curer curler curser cursor curter cusser cuter cutler cutter cycler dabber dabbler dafter dagger damper dancer dander danger danker dapper darer darker darner darter dasher dater dauber daughter dawdler dazzler deader deafer dealer dearer debtor decker deeper defer defter delver demur denser denture denver deter dexter dialer diaper dicer dicker differ digger dimmer diner dinner dipper ditcher dither diver docker doctor dodder dodger doer doffer dollar donor doodler doper Doppler dormer doter dotter doubler doubter dover dower downer dowser dozer drabber drafter dragger dragster drainer draper drawer dreamer dredger drencher dresser dribbler drier drifter driller drinker dripper driver dropper drover drubber drummer drunker dryer dubber duffer duller dumber dumper dunker duper duster dweller dyer eager earner easer Easter eater Edgar edger eider either elder ember enter er err error eschar ester etcher ether euchre ever ewer eyer facer factor failure fainter fairer faker fakir falser falter farmer farther fastener faster father fatter favor fawner feaster feather feature feebler feeder feeler feigner femur fencer fender fervor fester fetcher fetter fever fewer fibber fiber fibre fiddler fielder fiercer fighter figure filcher filer filler filter finder finer finger fir fire firmer fisher fissure fitter fiver fixer fixture flanker flapper flasher flatter flaunter flavor flavour flayer fleecer fletcher flicker flier flincher flinger flipper flitter flivver floater flogger floorer flopper flounder flour flouter flower fluster flutter flyer fodder folder fonder footer forcer forger former foster founder fowler foyer fracture frailer framer freer freezer freighter fresher fretter friar frisker fritter frowner fryer fuhrer fuller fumbler funster fur furler furor further future gabber gabbler gadder gaffer gager gainer gaiter gambler gamer gamester gammer gander gangster gaper garbler garner garter gather gator gauger gaunter gaveller gayer gazer geezer geiger gender gentler gesture getter geyser gibber giber giggler gilder ginger girder giver glacier gladder glamor glamour glasser glazer glazier gleaner glibber glider glimmer glimpser glister glitter gloater glover glower glummer gnawer gobbler gofer goffer goiter golfer goner goober gooder gopher gouger governor grabber grader grafter grammar grander granter grantor grappler grasper grater graver grayer grazer greaser greater greener greeter greyer griever grifter griller grimmer grinder grinner griper gripper groaner grocer groomer groper grosser grounder grouper grower growler grubber gruffer grumbler grunter guarder guesser guider guilder gulper gunnar gunner gusher gutter guzzler hacker hackler haggler halter hammer hamper hamster handler hangar hanger hanker harbor harbour hardener harder harmer Harper harsher hatcher hater hatter hauler haunter hawker hazer header healer hearer heater heather heaver heckler hectare hector hedger heeler hefter heifer heister heller helper hemmer her herder hewer hider higher hiker hinder hinter hipper hipster hire hirer hisser hitcher hither Hitler hitter hoarder hoarser hoaxer hobbler hoer hoister holder holer holler holster homer honer honker honor hoofer hooker hooper hoosier hooter hoover hoper hopper horner horror hostler hotspur hotter hounder hour hover howler huckster huddler huger hugger huller humbler hummer humor hunger hunker hunter hurdler hurler husker hustler hyper idler incur infer injure inner inter jabber jacker jagger jailer jailor jammer jangler jasper jerker jester jibber jigger jilter jingler jitter jobber jodhpur jogger joinder joiner jointer joker jolter josher jostler jotter juggler juicer jumper juncture junior junker juror kaiser keeler keener keeper kegler kicker kidder killer kilter kinder kipper kisser kiter kneader knifer knitter knocker knower knuckler kosher kroner kronor labor lacer lacquer ladder ladler lamer lancer lander languor lapper lapser larger larkspur laser lasher laster later lather latter lauder laugher laughter launcher launder laver lawyer laxer layer lazar leacher leader leaguer leaker leaner leaper learner leaser leather lecher lecture ledger leisure lemur lender leper lesser letter lever lewder liar libber licker lieder lifer lifter lighter limber limner liner linger linker liqueur liquor lisper listener lister liter lither litre litter littler liver loader loafer loaner loather lobber lobster locker lodger logger loiter loner longer looker looper looser looter lopper loser louder lounger louver lover lower lubber lucre lugger lumber lunar lunger lunker lurer luster lustre Luther lyncher madder mailer maimer maitre major maker malar manger mangler manner manor mapper marcher marker martyr maser masher masker masseur master matcher mater matter mauler maunder mayor meager meaner measure meddler meeker member mender mentor mercer merger meter milder miler milieu milker miller mimer mincer miner mingler minor minster minter mirror miser mister miter mixer mixture mobster mocker modeler moistener moister moisture molar molder molter monger monster moocher mooter moper mortar mother motor mounter mourner mouser mover mower mr mucker muddler muenster muffler mugger muller multure mumbler mummer murder murmur muser muster mutter muzzler myrrh nacre nagger nailer napper nature nearer neater nectar needer needler neighbor neither nester nestler nether nettler neuter never newer nibbler nicer nicker niggler nigher nighter nimbler nipper niter nitre nobler nodder nuder nudger number nurser nurture nuzzler occur ocher odder odor offer ogler oglers ogre oiler older oldster ophir order Oscar osier ostler other otter our ouster outer over owner oyster pacer packer paddler painter paler pallor palmar palmer palter pamper pander pandor pannier panther paper pardner pardoner Parker parlor partner passer pastor pasture patcher patter pauper paver pawner payer payor pecker peddlar peddler peeler peeper pelter pepper per percher perjure perter pester peter petter pewter phaser philter philtre phosphor picker picture piker pilfer pillar pilsner pincer pincher pinker pinner piper pitcher pitter placer plaguer plainer planer planner plantar planter plaster platter player pleader pleaser pleasure pledger plier plodder plotter plower plucker plugger plumber plummer plumper plunder plunger plunker plusher poacher poinder pointer poker polar polder poler poller pollster ponder pooper poorer poplar popper porker porter poser poseur posher poster posture potter poulter pounder pourer pouter powder power praiser prancer prankster prater prattler prayer preacher preener prefer presser pressure pricker prier primer primmer printer prior prober proctor prodder proffer prompter proper prosper prouder prover prowler pruner psalter pucker puffer puker puller pumper puncher puncture punker punster punter purer purger purr purser pusher putter puzzler pyre quackster quaffer quainter quaker quarter quaver queerer queller quibbler quicker quilter quipster quitter quittor quiver quizzer quoter racer raffler rafter raider railer raiser raker rambler rancher rancor ranger ranker ranter raper rapper rapture rarer rasher rasper raster rater rather ratter rattler raver rawer razor reacher reader reamer reaper rearer rector recur redder reefer reeker reeler refer render renter rester rhymer rhymester ribber richer Richter ridder riddler rider rigger righter rigor ringer riper ripper riser river roader roadster roamer roarer roaster robber rocker roger roller romper roofer roomer rooster rooter roper roster rotor rotter rougher rounder rouser rouster router rover rower rubber rudder ruder ruffler rugger ruler rumbler rummer rumor runner rupture rusher rustler saber Sabre sacker sadder saddler safer sailor salter salver sampler sander saner satyr saucer saunter saver savior saviour savor savour sawer sawyer sayer scaler scalper scamper scanner scarcer scarper scatter scepter schemer schnauzer schneider scholar schooner scissor scoffer scolder scooter scorcher scorer scorner scour scourer scourger scouter scowler scrabbler scrambler scraper scrapper scratcher scrawler screamer screecher screener screwer scribbler scriber scripture scrounger scrubber scuffler sculler sculptor sculpture scummer scupper scuttler sealer seamer searcher sector seeder seeker seiner seizure seller seltzer sender senior sensor server setter settler settlor sever sewer shacker shackler shader shaker shammer sharer sharper shatter shaver shearer sheather shedder sheller shelter shelver shielder shier shifter shimmer shiner shingler shipper shirker shirr shiver shocker shoer shooter shopper shorter shoulder shouter shover shower shredder shrewder shriller shriner shrinker shucker shudder shuffler shunner shunter shutter shyer shyster sicker sifter sigher signer silver simmer simper simpler singer sinker sinner sipper sir sister sitter sizzler skater sketcher skewer skier skimmer skinner skipper skirter skitter skulker slabber slacker slammer slander slapper slasher slather slaughter slaver slayer sledder sleeker sleeper slender slicer slicker slider slier slighter slimmer slipper slither sliver slobber slogger sloucher slower slugger slumber slummer slur slyer smacker smaller smarter smasher smatter smearer smeller smelter smiler smirker smiter smoker smolder smoother smother smoulder smugger smuggler snapper snarer snarler snatcher sneaker sneerer sneezer snicker snider sniffer sniffler snifter snigger sniper snipper snitcher sniveler snooker snooper snoozer snorer snorter snubber snuffer snugger soaker soaper soarer sobber sober soccer softer solar solder soldier solver somber songster sooner soother sopor sorer sorter sounder sour souther sower spacer spanker spanner sparer sparkler sparrer sparser spatter spatular spawner speaker spearer specter speeder speedster speller spender spewer sphincter spider spiller spinner spinster spitter splasher splatter splendor splicer splinter splutter spoiler sponger sponsor spooner spotter sprawler sprayer spreader sprier sprinkler sprinter sprucer spryer spur sputter squabbler squalor squander squarer squatter squealer squeezer squelcher squinter squirmer stabber stacker staffer stagger staider stainer staler stalker stammer stamper stapler starer starker starter stature stauncher stealer steamer steeper steerer stellar stentor stepper sterner sticker stickler stiffer stiller stinger stinker stinter stir stirrer stitcher stocker stoker stomper stoner stopper stouter straddler strafer straggler straightener straighter strainer stranger strangler strayer streaker streamer stressor stretcher stricter stricture strider stridor striker stringer striper stripper striver stroller stronger structure struggler strummer strutter stubber stuffer stumbler stumper stupor stutter styler succor sucker suer suffer sugar suitor sulfur sulphur summer sunder super supper suppler surer surfer suture svelter swabber swagger swamper swapper swasher swatter swearer sweater sweeper sweeter swelter swifter swiller swimmer swindler swinger switcher swooner swooper tabor tacker tackler tagger tailer tailor taker talker taller tamer tamper tanker tanner taper tapper tartar tarter taster tatar tater tatter tattler taunter tauter taxer teacher teamer teamster teaser teeter teether teller temper templar tempter tender tenner tenor tenser tensor tenter tenure tercer termer terror terser tester tether texture thanker thatcher thicker thinker thinner thither thrasher threader thresher thriller thriver throbber throttler thrower thruster thrustor thumper thunder thwacker thwarter ticker tickler tiger tighter tiler tiller timber timbre timer tincture tinder tingler tinker tinter tipper tippler tipster tither titter toaster toddler toiler toller tonsure tooter topper torpor torture toter totter tougher touter tower towner towser tracer tracker tractor trader trailer trainer traitor trammer tramper trampler transfer trapper trawler treasure treater trekker trembler tremor trencher tricker trickster trier trifler trigger trimmer tripper triter troller trooper trotter troubler trouncer trouper trouser trover trucker truckler trudger truer trundler trusser truster trustor tuber tucker Tudor tugger tumbler tumor tuner turner tusker tutor twaddler tweeter tweezer twiddler twiner twinkler twirler twister twitter udder ulcer ulster umber under upper user usher utter vaguer valor vapor vaulter vector velar vender vendor venter venture verdure verger vesper vesture vicar victor viewer vigor vigour viler viper visor voider voter voucher vower voyeur vulgar vulture vulvar waddler wader wafer wager Wagner wailer waiter waiver waler walker waltzer wander wangler wanner wapper warbler warmer warner warper warrior washer waster watcher water waver waxer weaker wearer weather weaver Webster weeder weeper weigher weirder welder welsher welter were wester wetter whacker whaler wheedler wheeler whether whetter whimper whiner whipper whir whirler whisker whisper whistler whiter whither whooper whopper wicker wider wielder wiener wiggler wilder wincer windsor winger winker winner winter wiper wirer wiser wisher wither wobbler wonder wooer woofer worcester worker wowser wrangler wrapper wrecker wrester wrestler wriggler wringer writer wronger xavier yachter yammer yapper yawner yawper yeller yielder yodeler yonder yorker younger youngster zenker zephyr zipper zither zoster

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The Cornish Boiler only has one fire tube compared to the Lancashire Boiler's two.

What is the difference between boiler and reboiler?

In boiler the feed is only liquid but in reboiler the feed may be any liquid. second is that, reboiler do partial vapourization but the boiler does complete vapourization

What are the differences between boilers and burners?

A burner is the part of the boiler that creates and controls the flame that heats the water. If you meant difference between a boiler and a furnace, a boiler makes hot water and a furnace makes hot air.

Difference between fire tube boiler and water tube boiler?

The difference between the two is that the Water tube boilers are safer and last much longer than the fire tube boiler. Their size is also larger and have a faster recovery time. However fire tube boilers have a low cost.

He boiler or system boiler - What is the difference?

He = ASME = heating

What is the difference between a sillcock valve a boiler valve and a hose bibb valve?

They are just about the same

What is difference between 500MW boiler 660MW boiler?

500 MW Boiler is sub-critical Boiler which generates steam at pressure lower than the critical pressure ie below 221.2 kg/sqcm. where as the 660 MW boiler is super critical boiler which operates steam pressure above critical pressure.

What is the difference between the operation of a automatic boiler and manual boiler?

boiler are working on same principal but automatic and manual boiler has difference that manual boiler working at single element loop and automatic boiler work at three element loop.single loop means when fuel increase mean load increase on boiler by adjusting fuel operator has to adjust steam drum level manualy , while automatic means when load increas, fuel increase steam drum level adjust automaticaly by watching fuel consumption.