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Same sides like a triangle the base are the same just different sizes or they can be the same size

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Q: What is does corresponding vertices mean?
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Vertices of a triangle do not necessarily have corresponding medians?


How do you find corresponding vertices?

In order to determine if two or more triangles have the same shape, you need to determine if the corresponding vertices and angles.You will need to know or be able to calculate the measurements of the angles to determine a one-to-one correspondence.

The definition of corresponding parts?

The angles, sides and vertices that are in the same location in congruent figures.

Are polygons whose vertices can be paired so that corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides are proportional?

The fact that corresponding angles are congruent does not require corresponding sides to be proportional - except in the case of a triangle. For quadrilaterals, think of a square and rectangle.

How mean vertices does a hexagon have?

6 vertices.

How many vertices does a rectangular prism have?

Did you mean vertices? A rectangular prism would have 8 vertices.

Find the mean of the y-coordinates of the vertices?

It is the sum of the y-coordinates of the vertices divided by the number of vertices.

How any vertices does a box have?

Assuming a rectangular box, there would be 8 vertices (vertices mean corners)

What does vertices of a shape mean?

Vertices = Corners

How many vertices nonage?

If you mean a nonagon then it has 9 vertices and 9 sides

How many vertices do a recangular pryamid?

Assuming you mean a rectangular pyramid, the answer is 5 vertices.

What verticles mean in geometry?

If you mean vertices then they are the corners of polygons.