One half of one fifth is one tenth. You just 'double' the denominator if you want to get half of the fraction.
1 - doubled = 2, which is one more than its half.
If you double 1 1/2 cups, then you get 3 cups.
Six quarters or one and a half
To halve a fraction, double the denominator (the bottom number). To double a fraction, double the numerator (the top number).
11. The double of one half is what you started with.
The answer is 1
One half of one fifth is one tenth. You just 'double' the denominator if you want to get half of the fraction.
1 - doubled = 2, which is one more than its half.
If you double 1 1/2 cups, then you get 3 cups.
Six quarters or one and a half
The denominator is double the numerator.
The answer to two and a half percent is easy. Simply find one percent,double it to get two percent and then half one percent to find the half. Put them together and you have two and a half percent.
write it two and a half timesAdded: If you double a recipe and then half it - you are back to a single recipe.
A half brother is a brother who you share one parent with. A double half brother is there-fore a brother who you share two parents with - and therefore could simply just be called a brother. The term however suggests that there was a discontinuity in your parents marriage, and that one of you was born after a reconciliation or remarriage.
The denominator must be double the numerator.