0.3 x $14,289 = $4,286.70
Two and eighty-nine thousandths.
You write it like this. Three million, eighty-nine thousand, eighty-nine.
Well, honey, if we're talking about matching numbers, 46.89 matches with forty-six and eighty-nine hundredths, not forty-six and eighty-nine thousand. It's all about those decimal points, darling. So, make sure you're paying attention to those little guys if you want to find a match.
Two and eighty-nine hundredths percent.
Nine-tenths of nine tenths = eighty-one hundredths ie 0.81
Seventy nine and eighty six thousandths.
Eighty nine percent (89 %) :D
5% of 180=9 or five percent of one-hundred eighty equals nine.
.15 or 15%x89=13.35-89=75.65
59/84 = 0.7023809523809524 or 70.24% (rounded).
Go and talk to your teacher and be really nice about it. Ordering them to change the grade will not help. But if you prove to them that you actually know the material and give them a proper reason as to why you were not able to get the grade you want in the first place, your teacher is bound to help you.