To estimate 412 divided by 84 using compatible numbers, we can round 412 to 400 and 84 to 80. Dividing 400 by 80 gives us 5, which is a close estimate of the actual quotient. This method of using compatible numbers simplifies the division process by working with rounded numbers that are easier to divide mentally.
The best way to estimate a quotient using compatible numbers is to first understand how compatible numbers work. They are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers and are easily added, subtracted or divided.
i think it is 28x26
The best way to estimate a quotient using compatible numbers is to first understand how compatible numbers work. They are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers and are easily added, subtracted or divided.
Estimate 43/81 by using compatible numbers
535.6 divided by 35 using compatible numbers = 15.302857142857144
Oh, dude, like, the compatible numbers for 308.3 divided by 15 would be 300 divided by 15, which is 20, and 8.3 divided by 15, which is approximately 0.55. So, yeah, those are the compatible numbers for that division problem. Cool, right?