As a fraction 250/1000, (as a decimal 0.250).
Six hundred fifty-four thousandths 654/1000
Fifty-two hundred-thousandths.
As a fraction 250/1000, (as a decimal 0.250).
253/1000 = 506/2000
2 550/1000 = 2.550
Three and fifty-two thousandths.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 2 51/1000 is equal to 2.051.
53/1000 fifty-three thousandths
Six hundred fifty-four thousandths 654/1000
The decimal .057 is fifty seven thousandths.
0.250 is two hundred fifty thousandths, two hundred fifty one-thousandths, or one quarter.
Two hundred fifty-seven thousandths written as a decimal is 0.257
0.652 in word form is "six hundred fifty-two thousandths".