Seventy-five hundredths is written as 0.75
To write five and sixteen-hundredths in decimal form, you first write the whole number 5, followed by the decimal point. Then, write the decimal value, which is sixteen-hundredths, as 0.16. Therefore, five and sixteen-hundredths is written as 5.16.
It is written 2.25. Two is in the whole number place followed by 25 hundredths.
To write five and fifty-five hundredths in decimal form, you first write the whole number 5, followed by the decimal point. Then write the decimal part, which is fifty-five hundredths as 0.55. Therefore, five and fifty-five hundredths in decimal form is 5.55.
13/5 friction
five-hundredths = 0.05
Five hundredths written as a decimal is 0.05 or .05.
Five and eleven hundredths can be written as 5.11 in decimal form.
35 hundredths written as a decimal is 0.35
Seventy-five hundredths is written as 0.75
five thirteen hundredths as a fraction = 513/100five thirteen hundredths = 5.135.13 * 100/100 = 513/100 in fraction
It is 5.22