0.54, for example.
Forty five is one example.
No, "eleventy" is not a real number. In slang, it can mean 110. For example, eleventy-five would be 115, similar to ninety-five is 95.
Five example of henderagon
give five example each of human acts
five biologist
No. You cannot say for example: I five you or have you fived yet. So five is not a verb
what is matter?
0.54, for example.
give me 5 example of compaaative
A five sided shape
The five types of accounts are: * Assets - for example debtors or stock * Liabiltiies - for example creditors or loans * Income - for example sales * Expenditure - for example salaries * Memo accounts- these hold non financial information, for example employee numbers
Sagot mo?
The noun 'five' is a concrete noun as a word for is a concrete noun as a word for a physical count of something (for example: The apples look good. I'll take five.)The noun 'five' is an abstract noun as a word for a count of something abstract (for example: We finished the project on day five.)