Nine sevenths, or one and two sevenths.
negative ten sevenths
2/7 of 21 is 6.
No, it would have to be ten fourteenths to equal five sevenths or one seventh equals two fourteenths.
Multiplying the numerator and denominator of 5/7 by 5 gives 25/35 or twenty-five thirty-fifths.
two forty-fifths or one twenty-eighth
25/7 (twenty-five sevenths).
5.148 repeating
twenty eghiths
It is: 119 and 5/7 minus 21 and 6/7 = 97 and 6/7
one and five sevenths
Nine sevenths, or one and two sevenths.
The simplest form for nine twenty sevenths is 3/10.
Five sevenths
the answer is: 18six sevenths times twenty one wholes = 18