To express this as a decimal you have to treat the fraction part as a division. five sixths is 5/6 which works out at 0.8333rec Thus as a decimal, five and five sixths is 5.8333... To convert to a percentage, you just multiply by 100: 5.8333... x 100 = 583.333... Thus as a percentage this is 583.333...%
It would be approximately 83.3 %.
83%5 / 6 = 0.833333333
5/6 = 83.33... %
A fraction is not the same as a percentage. If you want the decimal equivalent of five sixths (5/6), it is 0.83333333333
percentage = 83.33%% rate:= 5/6 * 100%= 0.8333 * 100%= 83.33%
Five sixths, as five is greater than two.
Five sixths of 18 would equal 15.
five sixths
It is five sixths.
Five-sixths of sixty is fifty.
33 sixths