It is five thousand.
five thousand
five-thousand pounds
Twelve thousand five hundred dollars = $12,500
Half of a trillion is five hundred billion
125 pounds (2000 ounces)
5000 Israeli New Sheqel equals £975.49 British Pounds.Exchange rate changes frequently, correct as at 29th July 2016.
five thousand five thousand five thousand five thousand
It is five thousand.
500 shekels is about 12.125 pounds
The weight of 200 shekels of hair would depend on the average weight of one shekel of hair, which can vary. Without knowing the specific weight of one shekel of hair, it is not possible to accurately determine the total weight of 200 shekels of hair.
five thousand
Twenty-five thousand five
5,500 five thousand five hundred
The value of five thousand depends on the context in which it is used. In mathematics, five thousand is a numerical value representing the quantity 5,000. In terms of currency, five thousand could represent $5,000 or the equivalent amount in another currency. In a broader sense, the value of five thousand could also refer to the significance or importance of something that is valued at that amount.
5000, five thousand
Seventy five thousand = 75,000