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One part of a coordinate system. More than this is required.

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Q: What is formed by horizontal and vertical lines and is used to locate points?
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Aspect ratio of a monitor is generally defined as the ratio of the 1) vertical to horizontal points 2) horizontal to vertical points 3) either 1) or 2) depending on the conventionfollowed

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The Cartesian plane has a numerical horizontal x axis with a numerical vertical y axis that are perpendicular to each other and points are plotted on the plane in the form of coordinates of x followed by y

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Ordered pairs are used to locate points on the graph. The first number in an ordered pair corresponds to the horizontal axis, and the second corresponds to the vertical axis.

Which way is vertical an which way is horizontal?

horizontal is side to side and vertical is up and down.

Rise is the horizontal change between any two points on a line?

No, rise is the vertical change. Run is the horizontal change.

What is used to locate a point on the coodinate plane?

The horizontal x axis and the vertical y axis which intersect at right angles at the point of origin (0, 0) are use to plot points on the coordinated plane.

Is any horizontal line perpendicular to any vertical line?

Yes, but only if they are exactly vertical and exactly horizontal (90 degrees angular difference). For real-world examples, many vertical lines can be perpendicular to a single "horizontal" curved line at the points of intersection.

How do vertical transformations differ from horizontal transformations?

Vertical transformations involve shifting the graph up or down, affecting the y-values, while horizontal transformations involve shifting the graph left or right, affecting the x-values. Vertical transformations are usually represented by adding or subtracting a value outside of the function, while horizontal transformations are represented by adding or subtracting a value inside the function.

A network of horizontal and vertical lines that provide coordinates for locating points on an image?


If a line has an undefined slope what can you say about the horizontal coordinates of each of the points on the line?

A vertical line has an undefined slope. If a line is vertical, the horizontal coordinate, commonly known as the x coordinates, must all be the same. If not, the line would not be vertical.

How can an absolute value equation help you calculate the distance form one point to another on the coordinate plane when the points are on the same vertical line?

The absolute difference in the vertical direction is zero but the absolute difference in the horizontal direction will be the horizontal distance - which is the distance between the points.

A plane in which a horizontal number line and a vertical number line intersect at their zero points?

Cartesian Or the origin