Four tenths of a dollar is forty cents. It's not rocket science, honey. Just move that decimal point one place to the right and you've got your answer. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Nine tenths minus four tenths is five tenths, which is also a half.
Is six bigger than four?? YES! Then six tenths is bigger than four tenths.
eight and four tenths
A fifth is two tenths, so four of them is eight tenths, so yes.
No, 0.04 is four hundredths. 0.4 would be four tenths
one and four tenths one dollar and forty cents, if currency for example
Six tenths of a dollar is equivalent to $0.60. This can be calculated by multiplying 0.6 (which represents six tenths) by 1 (the value of a dollar). Therefore, six tenths of a dollar is $0.60.
one and four tenths one dollar and forty cents, if currency for example
Nine tenths minus four tenths is five tenths, which is also a half.
four tenths and two hundredths
Is six bigger than four?? YES! Then six tenths is bigger than four tenths.
In words, 0.4 is zero point four, or simply 4 tenths (as the 4 is in the tenths column).
5 tenths of a dollar is 50 cents, or $0.50.
eight and four tenths
Four tenths = 0.4
Five tenths is one half. Half of a dollar is fifty cents.
Six-tenths (60%) is bigger than four-tenths (40%).