A fraction has a numerator set above its denominator
If the numerator is less than the denominator then it is a common fraction as for example 3/4 which as a decimal is 0.75
If the numerator is greater than the denominator then it is an improper fraction as for example 5/4 which as a decimal is 1.25
The fraction notation for 88.8 percent (0.888) = 888/1000 = 111/125
As a Proper Fraction: 35 24/25 As an Improper Fraction: 899/25
4567 1/5
8.7 = 87/10
1 509/1000
Fraction notation for 0.0109 is 109/10000
The fraction notation of 19.775 is 19775/1000
give fraction notation for the amount of gas in the tank
Presumably, if you have a fraction it already is in "fractional notation". There is really nothing to convert.
The fraction notation for 88.8 percent (0.888) = 888/1000 = 111/125
2.769 in fraction = 2769/1000
what is the fraction equivilant to .335
2.7 as an improper fraction is 27/10