a math table is a table that show a graph show or any other problem or to make a graph that shows information
A plot is simply a graph
math can be used in almost everything!how is it used graph's for the weather
a thing on math
a graph key is when one end of the graph goes into a nother graph and makes baby graphs.
a math table is a table that show a graph show or any other problem or to make a graph that shows information
to draw a graph
it is a math graph that can be used for sales or to show a record of anything.
A plot is simply a graph
it is a line on a graph that is curved
math can be used in almost everything!how is it used graph's for the weather
MATH 1003?
The bar graph would go into the math category.That's not what I meant!
it means that you are plotting the points on a graph, or XY coordinate plane
an unlabeled graph or plt