In comparing decimals, it is important to consider the place value of each digit. In this case, 0.15 is greater than 0.01 because the digit in the tenths place (1) is greater than the digit in the hundredths place (0). This means that 0.15 represents fifteen one-hundredths, which is greater than one one-hundredth represented by 0.01.
.001 is greater than .0000787
A mil is 1/1000 of an inch or .001. 15 mils is .015"
0.015 is greater.
Greater. The second number after decimal is greater so number is greater.
Is 0,0072 larger than 0,072
.001 is greater than .0000787
A mil is 1/1000 of an inch or .001. 15 mils is .015"
0.015 is greater.
No. 0.261 is greater by .001.
Greater. The second number after decimal is greater so number is greater.
Yes. It is .001 greater.
0.987 is greater.
Is 0,0072 larger than 0,072
0.06 m is greater than 0.001 cm
1 is more (greater). .001 is 1000 times less than 1. .001 is 1/1000.