To calculate half of 1.5 tablespoons, there are a number of ways to figure this out.
First off, I'm going to figure the mathematical way, then I will figure the measurements way, because the question is a bit vague.
Mathematically, first off, convert half into a decimal equivalent, since you already have one number in decimal form.
One half can be converted by dividing the numerator by the denominator: 1/2 = 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5.
So, we now have one-half converted into 0.5. Now what you need to do, is take 0.5 and multiply it into 1.5. Therefore 0.5 x 1.5 = 0.75. The reason you multiply is because, remember the math rule with dividing fractions (and integers which are less than 1 are a form of fractions), you need to "invert and multiply." That is why you multiply in this situation.
Now, if you are asking about measurements, what 1/2 of 1 1/2 Tbsp is equal to, you will need to know some conversions. Since you need a smaller amount than a Tablespoon, go to the next smaller measurement, and that would be a teaspoon.
So, there are 3 tsp (teaspoon) in 1 Tbsp (tablespoon). Therefore you have 1.5 Tbsp = 4.5 tsp. (multiply 1.5 and 3.0 = 4.5tsp). Now, you still need to know what half 1.5 tbsp is equal to. We have already converted 1.5 Tsp = 4.5 tsp. Therefore, multiply 4.5tsp by 0.5 = 2.25 tsp. (knowing that 0.5 = 1/2 or one half).
3/4 tablespoons
2 in a half
One-half of three-fourths is three-eighths.
To measure one-fifth of a tablespoon, you would first need to determine the total volume of the tablespoon. A standard tablespoon is equivalent to 3 teaspoons, so it is approximately 15 milliliters. To find one-fifth of this amount, you would divide 15 by 5, which equals 3 milliliters. Therefore, one-fifth of a tablespoon is equivalent to 3 milliliters.
The half of 15 is 7.5, even every browser you go to says so.
Half of 15 is 7.5 If you round up 7.5 it is 8
Half tablespoon is approximately 7.5 grams
Half a tablespoon is equivalent to approximately 7.5 milliliters.
Half a tablespoon!
A tablespoon is 3 teaspoons. Therefore, half a tablespoon is one and a half teaspoons.
A standard tablespoon is 15 ml, so half will be 7.5 ml
Three teaspoons in a tablespoon, so one and a half (1.5) teaspoons in a half a tablespoon.
15 ml of water in 1 tablespoon
A teaspoon and a half, or 7.39 milliliters
A tablespoon is 15 ml.
A teaspoon is a unit of volume. 1 US teaspoon = 4.928921 ml very close to 5 ml. A teaspoon is one-third of a tablespoon so a tablespoon is about 15 ml.
There are approximately 1 tablespoon in 15 ml.
One mL is about 0.067628 US tablespoons.