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238 / 2 is equal to 119.

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Q: What is half of 238?
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What is the approximate half-life of uranium-238?

The approximate half-life of uranium-238 is 4.5 billion years.

What element is made when you U-238 splits in half?

U-238 is not fissionable.

What is the half life of neptunium 238 over a period of 10 years?

The half-life of neptunium-238 is approximately 2.12 days. Therefore, over a period of 10 years, neptunium-238 would undergo multiple half-lives and decay significantly.

What is the half life of uranium 238?

The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.5 billion years. This means that it takes 4.5 billion years for half of a sample of uranium-238 to decay into thorium-234.

How do you write half life of uranium 238 as a standard number?

The half-life of uranium-238 is approximately 4.5 billion years.

What is half of 476?

200 + 30 + 8 = 238

What are the half lives for uranium-235 and uranium-238?

The half-life of uranium-235 is approximately 703.8 million years, while the half-life of uranium-238 is approximately 4.5 billion years.

What type of radioactive decay result in uranium -238 becoming thorium 234.?

This is an alpha decay.The half-life of uranium-238 is 4,468.10ex.9 years.

What is the half-life of uranium 238?

The half-life of uranium-238 is approximately 4.5 billion years, which means that it takes that amount of time for half of the atoms in a sample to undergo radioactive decay.

Find the age of a sample and half life of uranium 238?

The half-life of 238U is 4,468x109 years.

What is uranium-238's half-life?

4.47 billion years

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