340 - 255 = 85.
340 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you had to write it as a fraction, you could use 340/1.
It is: 680/2 = 340
2 and a half
Approximately 113 grams of butter is half a cup
Around eight and a half to nine and a half in length, weighing in at 340-395 pounds.
639.9974 acres = one square mile 340 divided by 639.9974 = .531252158211892....... so approximately one half square mile
It depends what exactly you are measuring, but generally 340 grams is about a cup and half.
1% of 340 = 1% * 340 = 0.01 * 340 = 3.4
25% of 340= 25% * 340= 0.25 * 340= 85
10% of 340 = 10% * 340 = 0.1 * 340 = 34