It is 37.5 on most calculators.
Two hundred seventy thousand.
77 divided by two is 38.5 or 38 and .5 seventy sevenths.
multiply two fifths by seventy five and you'll get 30
Thirteen thousand, five hundred seventy-two.
Seventy two.
It would be two seventy-five.
71.5 or 71 1/2
Two hundred seventy-eight and two tenths. Or you could write: Two hundred seventy-eight point two.
72. Seventy-two
It is seventy-two
no it is not. if you think about it an quarters, 1/2 is 50/100 , two quarters and seventy five hundredths is 75/100 three quarters , so seventy five hundredths is larger
75 and a half
seventy two in french