The Emperor has a higher rank than Count Dooku, as Dooku was Emperor Palpatine's apprentice. The Emperor is also the ultimate Star Wars villian.
The gender of emperor is masculine. The feminine version is empress. Is Empress higher than Queen? The title of Emperor/Empress (who rules over an Empire) is widely regarded as the highest ranking Monarchial title, King/Queen (who reigns over a Kingdom) is a lesser title than Emperor but still ranks above any other title.
There was no real sturcture but the farmers were of a higher rank than the merchants and the officials are the highest after the emperor.
Empress is a female emperor or the wife of the male emperor. Emperor is a male emperor or the husband of the female empress. Most emperors (other than emperor penguins) tend to be male.
More than 100,000,000 of Slaves that were taken from their families or the emperor's enemies
The only country in the world that currently has an emperor is Japan. An emperor is higher up than a king, but the japanese dont really have an empire made up of different kingdoms, so it's an empty title. The japanese ruling family is believed to be descended from the sun godess Amaterasu of japanese mythology.
Because. The eastern emperors were just string
an emperor penguin, they can also dive deeper than chinstrap penguins
This is when Pizarro captured the Emperor in 1532. Pizarro did this will less than 200 men when he convinced the Emperor to eat with him and than fired against the man who was unarmed.
yes Captain is higher than lieutenant