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A billion.

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Q: What is higher than a million?
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Is million bigger than killion?

ni killoin is higher

What is more a quarter of a million or a million?

A million is higher. A quarter of a million is 250,000, while a million is 1,000,000. A quarter of anything is less than the whole thing.

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Yes, Akon's is worth about $45 million Rihanna's is worth about $25 million

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The population of Scotland is around 5.3 million and the population of the Republic of Ireland is about 4.6 million.

Did the Spanish influenza have a higher death rate than World War 1?

Yes, the 1918/1919 influenza killed an estimated 20 million people worldwide, many more than died in WW I

Celebrity with most Google hits?

i would say Michael Jackson who at his high point (his death) was about a billion(a number higher than god) and now its 95 million (higher than Jesus)

Does Budapest have a higher population than Sarajevo?

Budapest has 3 million Sarajevo has 1 million. so Budapest has more people.

How much does David stern make?

Estimated 23-25 million per year (apparently its possible that is higher than that)

Which country has the higher population Spain or France?

France has a pupulation of around 64 million and Spain has a pupulation of around 46 million. France has around 18 million more inhabitants than Spain.

How many pounds does 4 million quarters equal?

a little bit higher than (within one pound) of 50,000 pounds

Is 2.5 million less than 3 million?

Yes, 2.5 million is less than 3 million.

Is 1 million less than 20 million?

Yes, 1 million is less than 20 million.