The difference isn't approximate. Gross pay is how much in total you have been paid. Net pay is the amount of money you have left after spending it. So for example, Your Gross pay each year is $200,000 but after taxes, bills, fun, and luxuries your net pay is $12,000 a year.
A gross of anything is 144.
She works in total 4 + 6 + 9 + 3 + 7 = 29 hours. At 12.50 an hour (gross) she gets 29 x 12.50 = 362.50 gross.
gross pay: the amount made before taxesnet pay: the amount after subtracting taxes and benefit from your gross pay
are garnishments calculated by gross pay or net pay
Gross pay is what your pay is before tax deductions.
The gross pay out consists the total pay out that an individual could receive, without deductions coming from taxes, other benefits, etc. The gross pay out includes the individuals' basic pay + the benefits + deductions that will be rendered once the gross pay out is computed.
Net pay = gross pay - deductions. Or in percentages: Net pay = gross pay x (1 - percentage of deductions / 100) If you have any two of these, you can solve the third. For example, in the last formula: gross pay = net pay / (1 - percentage of deductions / 100)
Gross pay is pay before taxes have been deducted were net pay is after taxes.
agp gross pay
No ... Net pay is what you get to take home after taxes. Gross pay is your salary before taxes.
Gross. It's what you earn before any deductions.
Your GROSS pay is before any deductions. Compute deductions, subtract them from your gross pay, and get your NET pay- that is how much you get to take home.
Gross pay is what you make before any deductions. If a job is advertised at $30,000 a year, then that's the gross pay. Net pay is what's left after taxes, health benefits and other deductions are taken out of your check. So gross pay of $30,000 would become something like net pay of $22,564.