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kalagan is a nationality before the arrival of the colonial terrorist forces of the spain who came to Christianise us by force.majority of kalagan are muslim,only the sub-tribe became christian and oher lost their religious identity. kalagan's origin is in Mati,Davao Oriental kalagan means Inform or informer.kalagan has sub-tribe known as the ff:(mandaya,tagakaolo,gimbabawon,mansaka,mandagat,kamayo and all other native inhabitant of caraga and davao region.kalagan has own government before the arrival of the spanish it is headed by only the kalagan-mandagat remain in Islamic belief as a result of the spanish expedition in our native land.caragan and kalagan came from one origin(kalagan)kaagan is only a dialect spoken by kalagans of western part of davao region.if you want more history of kalagan contact us coz we are the direct descendant of the kalagan fighters against the spanish colonial forces.we have the original history of kalagan,and the people living in the kalagan land.(+639269607643)

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Q: What is kalagan tribe?
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Where is kalagan tribe originates?

The Kalagan Tribe originates in Mindanao!

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