It is: 0.004
4.00 is larger. The whole numbers are always on the left side of the decimal point. The frations or parts are on the right side of the decimal point. So 4 is a whole number .004 is 4 parts of a whole number, it is 4/1000
.004 + 3 + .03 = 3.034
It is: 0.004
4.00 is larger. The whole numbers are always on the left side of the decimal point. The frations or parts are on the right side of the decimal point. So 4 is a whole number .004 is 4 parts of a whole number, it is 4/1000
004 is the same as 4
004 is the same as 4
987 multiplied by 004 is 3,948
0.008 is equivalent to 8/1000, which can be reduced to 1/125.
no 0.0008 is 0.0005 more than 0.0003 .00030 = 0.00030 = 0.0003
.004 kg is 4 grams
.004 + 3 + .03 = 3.034