Numbers that are added are called addends or terms.
if you meant by absolute error, then yes.
A number x added to 18 would be written x + 18. The value* of x + 18 would depend on the value x. For example, if x was 2, x + 18 would equal 20. if x was 10, x + 18 would equal 28, and so on. *'Value' means what actual number it comes to.
it means adding that much more value to the original number
Value added to your property because you are located close to things such as shopping centers, parks, pools, schools ect.
If you mean 7% of 23.98 added to it, then the answer is 25.6586, but if you meant to add the value 7% to it, then the answer is 24.05.
what is value added retailing
value added benefit
Value Added Taxvalue added tariffVAT is the abbreviation for "Value added Tax"-------------------------------------- ------ ----------------------------------------------
Value added neywork
Value added activites created by a warehouse
What is the prospect of value added tax in Nigeria?"
Market Value Added is the total market value of the company's equity and debt minus the original capital put up by the shareholders. Thus it represents the value added by the management of the company over the capital originally provided by the original investors.
1 is added to the value
consumption of fixed capital
If this is for a job interview, you are getting it all wrong. YOU are supposed to write what value YOU have added in YOUR job - not about the value that some other person has added to his own job.