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theis phrase is a combination of two different phrases, the first being to "screw up" which means to do something wrong. an example might be saying yes when your wife asks "does this make me look fat?"

the second phrase is "by the numbers" which means to follow a procedure or series of directions exactly. an example would be instructions for cooking something, first you do "a" second you do "b" third you do "c".

thus to "screw up by the numbers" instead of following the directions correctly you have screwed up on each step.

a second meaning would be that after making one bad decision and given a chance to correct your mistake you did something to make it worse.

an example might be you lock yourself out of the house. instead of calling you wife to let you back in, you try to pick the lock. a policeman sees you picking the lock and comes to arrest you for breaking and entering. instead of explaing you get biligerent and hit the cop when he tries to arrest you. so you get sentenced to 6 months comunity service for assulting a police officer and have "screwed up by the numbers".

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