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Meduim is not a word.

Medium is, but that is rather vague and does not have a specific math definition.

However, I suspect that you are trying to think of median.

Median is one of the three types of average (the other two are mean and mode) and is defined by being the number in the middle when the numbers are listed in numerical order; exactly half the numbers are less than the median and half are greater than it. If there are an even number of numbers, the median is the mean average of the middle two.

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What is a meduim in math?

a medium is when you put the number in order and cross out the ends and you will have to end up with one number .if you don't end up with one number lie 11 and 12 you would have to find the the number between them and the number is 11.5 i hope this answer helped you

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