9 to the 2 power is 81
When you are calculating powers you are really multiplying the first number by itself the number of times the second number says.
so for 9 to the 2 power you are multiplying 9 by itself 2 times
Nine to the second power is just nine times nine. Any number with a power is just a number that can multiply itself. 2 9 =9*9=81
81 (positive eighty-one)
Nine to the first power is 9.
nine to the sixth power is 531441.
81 A number raised to the second power is the number multipled by itself twice (9*9). A number raised to the third power, is the number multipled by itself 3 times (9*9*9) and so on.
Just X to the second power minus nine. You can't subtract nine from x to the second power unless you know what x is.
The exponent is TWO.
72 is "seven to the second power" or "seven to the power two" or "seven squared", and when it is calculated it is "forty nine".
Nine to the second power is just nine times nine. Any number with a power is just a number that can multiply itself. 2 9 =9*9=81
92 * 43 = 81 * 64 = 5184
81 (positive eighty-one)
nine to the power of nine is 387420489.
9-2 = 1/92 = 1/81
To square a number means to multiply it by itself. Thus, 92 (read: nine squared, or nine to the second power) = 9 x 9=81
9 = 3 ^ 2, or three raised to the second power.