One-tenth multiplied by a thousand can be written as 1/10 * 1000. This can be simplified into 1000/10. Further simplification leads us to 100.
2,000/ two thousand
thousand: 6,172,000 ten thousand:6,170,000
One thousand thousand
There are thirty thousand ones in thirty thousand.
Ten hundred thousand is a thousand thousand which is a million = 1,000,000
1 - 1/10 = 9/10
Put the three as 3 and then add the 1/10 as 0.1. Answer is 3.1
6336 Inches are on one tenth of a mile. A mile is 5280feet long. One tenth of a mile is 528 feet. Since there are 12 inches in 1 foot; 12x528=6336.
thousand time thousand makes a millon
A thousand thousand million has 12 zeroes.
2,000/ two thousand
thousand: 6,172,000 ten thousand:6,170,000
There are 4 thousand ones in 4 thousand.
There are 30 thousand ones in 30 thousand.
One thousand thousand
Six thousand.