11/4 x 3/5 = 5/4 x 3/5
Here we have changed the mixed number into a full fraction.
Now you can simply multiply the nominators (top numbers) and denominators (bottom numbers) together:
5 x 3/4 x 5 = 15/20
This can then be simplified by dividing the top and bottom by 5 to get:
Two-fifths times one-fourth is two-twentieths or one-tenth, in simplified form.
Three fifths of one fourth is equivalent to 0.15.
Five ninths times three fifths is one third.
One and three fifths.
Two-fifths times one-fourth is two-twentieths or one-tenth, in simplified form.
Zero, one fourth, three fifths and seven tenths.
It is seven tenths.
Three fifths of one fourth is equivalent to 0.15.
It rounds to one.
three fifths is greater than one fourth. With 20 as a common denominator, 3/5=12/20 and 1/4 = 5/20.
Five ninths times three fifths is one third.
One and three fifths.
It's not ! One fourth (or 1/4) of ten is 2 and 1/2
From least to greatest: one fourth, one half, and three fifths. I hope this helped!