

What is one eighth and five sixths?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is one eighth and five sixths?
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What is two fifths of the product of five sixths?

one eighth of a three fourth

Which one is greater five eighths or five sixths?

five sixths

What is five sixths - two sixths?

three sixths, or one half

What is five and one eighth minus two and five sixths?

41/8 - 17/6 = 123/24 - 68/24 = 55/24 or 2 and 7/24

Which is larger five sixths or one half?

five sixths is larger than a half.

Which is greater one eighth or two six?

two sixths is greater.

Is one third smaller than five sixths?

Oh yes, one third is quite a bit smaller than five sixths. To compare, we can convert one third into two sixths. So five sixths is fully three sixths (equal to one half) larger than a third.

What is larger one third or five sixths?

five sixths because it is more than half

Which is bigger two seveths or one eighth?

Two sevens is bigger than one eighth. One seventh is bigger than one eighth. seven times eight is 56 and two times eight is sixteen. So two sevens is equal to sixteen fifty sixths. One eighth is only equal to seven fifty sixths

Is five-sixths between one-half and three-fourths?

No. Five sixths is not between one half and three fourths.

What does 1 minece five sixths equal?

1 minus five sixths equals one sixth

What is five sixths divided by five?

One sixth