"forty eleventh" is a term to explain any number large or small (it, in that case is fictional though,) or is just plain bad grammar
0.09 and it goes on like that forever.
1/11 = 0.0909.. and, as a percentage that is 9.0909... %
No, eleventh is not a pronoun.The word eleventh is a noun, a word for a place or position numbered eleven; one of eleven parts of something.Example: The party is on the eleventh of the month.The word eleventh is an adjective, describing a noun as number eleven in a series.Example: This is our eleventh year in business.A numerical pronoun is a whole number used in place of the noun that is counted. Example: All of the books have been returned except for eleven.
one eleventh pus two eleventh
Name: RoentgeniumSymbol: RgAtomic number: 111Atomic weight: [ 280 ]
AnswerThe eleventh of September, two thousand and one, or September eleventh, two thousand and one.
It was the eleventh state to join the Union.
of course not! fraction one eleventh is way smaller than three sevenths
"forty eleventh" is a term to explain any number large or small (it, in that case is fictional though,) or is just plain bad grammar