"forty eleventh" is a term to explain any number large or small (it, in that case is fictional though,) or is just plain bad grammar
0.09 and it goes on like that forever.
1/11 = 0.0909.. and, as a percentage that is 9.0909... %
No, eleventh is not a pronoun.The word eleventh is a noun, a word for a place or position numbered eleven; one of eleven parts of something.Example: The party is on the eleventh of the month.The word eleventh is an adjective, describing a noun as number eleven in a series.Example: This is our eleventh year in business.A numerical pronoun is a whole number used in place of the noun that is counted. Example: All of the books have been returned except for eleven.
Name: RoentgeniumSymbol: RgAtomic number: 111Atomic weight: [ 280 ]
AnswerThe eleventh of September, two thousand and one, or September eleventh, two thousand and one.
It was the eleventh state to join the Union.
"forty eleventh" is a term to explain any number large or small (it, in that case is fictional though,) or is just plain bad grammar
One-Eyed Chloe and the Eleventh Shot - 2000 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
eleventh number from all privates university.