two five hundred thirtieths
Assuming "fith" is meant to be fifth, the answer is 100.
One hundred twenty-fifth as a decimal is 100.25 in numbers. This is used in math.
Divide one million by five to solve: One-fifth of one million is two hundred thousand (200,000).
fifth decimal place = hundred-thousandths
two five hundred thirtieths
7.5 out of a hundred
Assuming "fith" is meant to be fifth, the answer is 100.
One hundred twenty-fifth as a decimal is 100.25 in numbers. This is used in math.
150 ÷ 5 = 30
Divide one million by five to solve: One-fifth of one million is two hundred thousand (200,000).
One fifth of nine million dollars is $1,800,000 (one million eight hundred thousand dollars).