Well, honey, one fifth of ten thousand is two thousand. It's like slicing a cake into five pieces and taking one of those delicious slices for yourself. So, go ahead and treat yourself to that sweet little chunk of ten grand.
The place is fifth to the left of the decimal point. The value is ten thousand.
There are one thousand cents in ten dollars.
Ten hundreds is 10,000 or ten thousand.
A third of ten thousand is 3,333.33333 recurring.
ten thousand
2 thousand
The place is fifth to the left of the decimal point. The value is ten thousand.
100,000 OR 1 times ten to the fifth power
The same thing as one fifth of any ten things - two.
You can give ten thousand people one dollar.You can give one thousand people ten dollarsyou can give one hundred people one hundred dollarsyou can give ten people one thousand dollarsyou can give one person ten thousand dollars
Ten thousand and one, ten thousand and two, ...
It is one lake ten thousand!
The number 10001 is "ten thousand one" (also ten thousand and one).
Yes one is smaller than ten thousand.