To multiply fractions, you multiply numerator times numerator and denominator times denominator, so 1/4 x 3/4 works out to be 3/16.
Three fourths times two is one and a half so if you add three fourths to that you will get two and one fourth.
It is seven fourths which is one and three fourths as a mixed number.
one-fourths + three-fourths = four-fourths = one whole
One fourth is a quarter and three fourths is three quarters so tehrefore three fourths is bigger.
One fourth
Three fourths times two is one and a half so if you add three fourths to that you will get two and one fourth.
Three fourths
one fourth
It is seven fourths which is one and three fourths as a mixed number.
9 and 1 fourth
one-fourths + three-fourths = four-fourths = one whole
One fourth is a quarter and three fourths is three quarters so tehrefore three fourths is bigger.
One fourth and three fourths gives you a whole gallon
Eight and three fourths minus by two and one fourth equals six and one fourths (6.5).
one fourth times two fourths.
Neither, but one fourth is less than three fourths.
One fourth