In order to solve you need a common denominator. This would be the LCD (least common denominator.
The LCD in this case is 6. Multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by the same number to get the LCD on the denominator.
1/2 + 1/3 becomes 3/6 + 2/6=5/6
To add one third and one half, you'll want a common denominator. In this case, it's 6.
You can only add together fractions where the denominator (bottom number) is the same. One half is the same as 3/6. One third is the same as 2/6. 3 + 2 = 5 So your answer would be 5/6
If you are asking what is one-third of a pound and a half, the answer is one-half pound.
Yes, half is bigger than one third.
No, one third is less that one half. One third means that it has been divided in three parts. One half, means that it has been divided in two parts.
To add one third and one half, you'll want a common denominator. In this case, it's 6.
Hint: four-fifths of "seven" is "even". Now how is one-third of one-half "el"?
You can only add together fractions where the denominator (bottom number) is the same. One half is the same as 3/6. One third is the same as 2/6. 3 + 2 = 5 So your answer would be 5/6
Well, isn't that a happy little math question! When you add one-third and one-sixth together, you can simplify it by finding a common denominator, which is six. So, one-third is equal to two-sixths. When you add two-sixths and one-sixth together, you get three-sixths, which simplifies to one-half. Isn't that just lovely?
The sum of 1/2 and 1/3 is 5/6.
One third multiplied by one and a half equals a half.
1/6 cups which is equivalent to 8 teaspoons
one half, one third, and one sixth
Half of one cup and a third = two thirds of a cup.
Neither is larger.
One third of half is one sixth1/6
No, one half of one third.