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Hemisphere. Earth has a North and a South Hemisphere

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Q: What is one half of a sphere the earth has a north and a south one of these?
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What is the name of half a sphere?

Half of a sphere is called a "hemisphere". For example, on Earth, the northern hemisphere is everything north of the equator.

What hemisphere is north and south American in?

NOrt America is in the northern hemisphere (half a sphere in greek) and south america is in the southern if you look in a map, the top half of the earth is the northern hemisp´here, the bottom is the southern.

What is the half called that the equator divides?

Half of any sphere is a 'hemisphere'. In the case of the equator, the halves north and south of it are called the Earth's 'northern hemisphere' and 'southern hemisphere'.

What does the hemisphere mean?

Hemisphere means half of a sphere or globe. It is used to describe half of a celestial object or planet. Earth is divided into a north and south hemisphere by the equator, and lines of longitude bisect Earth from north to south separating the west hemisphere (containing the Americas) from the east hemisphere (containing Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe).

What does the word hemisphere mean?

Hemisphere means half of a sphere or globe. It is used to describe half of a celestial object or planet. Earth is divided into a north and south hemisphere by the equator, and lines of longitude bisect Earth from north to south separating the west hemisphere (containing the Americas) from the east hemisphere (containing Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe).

Does the earth have only two hemipheres?

earth is a sphere... hemisphere means half of a sphere...

What is a hemisphere?

A hemisphere is half of a sphere.The names comes from hemi- which means half, so hemisphere means half a sphere.We often talk about the northern and southern hemispheres which are the halves of our planet north and south of the equator respectively. Similarly, we have the eastern and western hemispheres, the halves of the globe that are either east or west of the prime meridian.The definition is:1. A half sphere; one half of a sphere or globe, when divided by a plane passing through its center.2. Half of the terrestrial globe, or a projection of the same in a map or picture. The most common hemispheric divisions are Northern / Southern and Eastern / Western.i.e The United States is located in both the western and the northern hemispheres of the Earth.

How many degree of latitude are between the north and south poles?

The north pole is 90 degrees north latitude. The south pole is 90 degrees south latitude. When you travel from one pole to the other, you go through 180 degrees of latitude. Which isn't so surprising, since that trip takes you halfway around the world.

What is the imaginary line that divides the earth in half north and south?


How is the northern half on earth different from the southern half in January?

it is winter in the north and summer in the south.

What divides the earth into two half spheres?

The equator divides the earth into the north and south hemispheres.

What is a half sphere of the earth called?

a Hemisphere