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Q: What is one one-hundredth of a second is called?
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0.001650390620 of a megabite much less than one onehundredth. Hope this helped

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The second album is called ''Take Me Home''.

What is the the amount by which the speed increases in one second called?

It is the acceleration.

What is one hundredth of a second called?

One hundredth of a second is called a centisecond, though the term is rarely used. It can also be expressed as 1 over 100, or 0.01.

A frequency of one cycle per second in a wave is called one?

A frequency of one cycle per second in a wave is called one Hertz (Hz).

What is the actual unit of time for one one hundredth of a second?

One thousandth of a second is a millisecond. Ten milliseconds = 1/100th of a second. Also called a 'centisecond'.

What is one billionth of a second called?

A nanosecond

What is one joule of energy transformed in one second called?

That is called a Watt. The Watt is a unit of power.

What is the number of vibrations that occur in a 1-second time interval is called?

It is called the frequency. The SI unit is the Hertz. One Hertz is one cycle per second.

What is some one who breathes in second hand smoke called?

Someone who breathes in second hand smoke is called a passive smoker.

What can one do on the second Play website?

One will find that this question actually is inaccurate. There is no website called 2nd Play. There is however a website called Second Life. Second life is a free 3D virtual world where one can socialize, connect and create.

How albums does Adele has?

Adele two albums the first one is called 19 and the second one is called 21