Twenty minus one.
A plus + a plus is a plus.
Yes it does. A minus is the opposite of something, so the minus of a minus is a plus.
-- If they're being multiplied or divided, then they make a minus. -- If they're being added or subtracted, then they can make either a plus or a minus. It depends on which one is bigger.
9A:2 - 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 3 - 2 + 6 = 7The answer is seven.
Same mathematical signs equal plus Different mathematical signs equal minus Plus Plus = Plus (+)(+) = + Minus Minus = Plus (-)(-) = + Plus Minus = Minus (+)(-) = - Minus Plus = Minus (-)(+) = - So the direct answer to your question would be: plus minus equals minus
Negative one.
Minus five, plus one, equals minus four.
No. The child could be either AA or Ao and they would have plus or minus, depending on if the a plus parent has plus plus, or plus minus
-22 - -22
The sum of -1 and -1 is -2.
It equals 0
It equals 1
Twenty minus one.
A plus + a plus is a plus.