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One sixth of anything is (16 and 2/3) percent of it.

One sixth of 100 is 16, which is 1,600 percent.

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Q: What is one sixth of 100 in pecent?
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It is: 0.803*100 = 80.3%

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Double the value.

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divide by 100 to get .68

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Change 4.4 to a pecent?

1 = 100%4.4 = (4.4 x 100) = 440 %

What is the value of 100 to the sixth power?

The value of 100 to the sixth power is 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion).

How do you turn a pecent to a fraction?

Put it over 100. Simplify if possible. 53% = 53/100

What is 3 over 6 as a pecent?

It is 100*3/6 = 50%