1/6 + 1/7 needs to have common denominators to be successfully added. 6 and 7 are most common multiples of 42. We can achieve the common denominator by multiplying the fraction by the denominator of the other fraction.
1/6 (7) + 1/7 (6) = 7/42 + 6/42 = 13/42 which is the simplest form of the fraction.
1 5 of a seventh
7/56 + 48/56 = 55/56
Seventh. (: the sixth one has a fight, but the seventh book's one is bigger. like massive. O:
one eight
There is indeed a sixth and a seventh book.
It is: 10
one third
the answer is 7 and one sixth
one-seventh one-eighth one-ninth etc.
one and two sixth's
seventeen and seven over twelve
1/6 + 1/7 - 1/4 = 28/168 + 24/168 - 42/168 = 10/168 = 5/84